The furnace is the center of energy in your home

The furnace is the center of energy in your home during wintertime. You can’t stay warm without it. The furnace throws off heat but it also pulls in air from the other parts of the house, so when the furnace is overworked, your indoor environment gets uncomfortable quickly. Superior Comfort Heating & Cooling is a leading provider of top notch HVAC services including Air Conditioning Repair Service, Furnace repair Grosse Ile Michigan, Indoor Air Quality Solutions and much more by offering our customers high quality equipment options, fast response time and amazing customer ! They are ready to help you with all your heating and cooling needs.

Why Is Your Furnace Working Overtime?

There are many reasons why you might have a malfunctioning furnace that works overtime. Some common examples include:

  • Clogged filters – if they aren’t cleaned regularly, they will get clogged with dirt and debris which makes them difficult for gas or oil to flow through into the rest of your heating system while at the same time making extra work for your blower fan because it has to push around the clog.
  • Blower fan malfunctions – a blower fan can break down causing it not to spin properly and therefore not do its job of circulating heat across your heating ducts.
  • Dirty or broken heat exchangers – these are responsible for transferring heat from the furnace into your home, so if they aren’t working correctly then you will feel uncomfortable quickly.
  • Broken thermostats – if either of them breaks, you won’t be able to control how warm your house gets and again you will notice the difference in comfort levels quickly.

Servicing an oil-fired furnace is somewhat different from servicing a gas furnace – especially when it comes time to change the filter or clean the heat exchanger (usually called “coil” in oil furnaces). There are many other differences, but that would be material for another article; here we will concentrate on those items peculiar to servicing an oil fired furnace.

Most oil burners come to the dealer’s shop dirty, but it is even worse after many months of use. Most dealers believe their equipment should be serviced at six-month intervals to maximize furnace life. This works out fine if you have only one furnace or only one technician servicing your equipment, but it does not work so well with several furnaces and technicians coming and going.

It doesn’t take long before there isn’t a clean unit in the whole fleet! Every time someone turns on an oil burner, smoke comes pouring out of the chimney – whether the tank is full or not. An oil burner is supposed to puff smoke when cold because that’s how they are designed; it is normal for an oil burner to puff smoke when cold.

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Oil furnaces need to be serviced at least twice a year for optimum efficiency, but if you have several in your fleet service will probably have to be done every 6 months. At 6-month intervals, all six burners are replaced with new ones that come straight from the parts department.

Unfortunately, these burners are always dirty – even when they come out of the box! Not only do oil furnaces leak smoke when cold; compared to gas and electric models they produce more creosote and other combustion byproducts (soot and carbon dust). This is because their design uses less air than other types of heating equipment: oil furnaces operate on “fuel-rich” air/gas mixtures.

Also read the following articleHang Ceiling Luminaires with These Tips“.

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