Hang Ceiling Luminaires with These Tips

When you are a homeowner, you always look for new ways to make your home more beautiful, comfortable, and livable. This is why you tackle some home improvement projects to ensure that your place becomes more appealing. While others are keen to invest in new pieces of furniture, only a few realize the wonders that ceiling luminaires can make.

It is quite sad that many homeowners often take lighting fixtures for granted. What they fail to realize is that whether you have a newly built house or an old one, new lighting fixtures can help update and improve the overall ambiance and look of any room. These pieces can instantly turn your dull and drab rooms into dazzling spaces that you would be proud of.

But before you get too excited and hang the lighting fixtures you found, there are a few important tips to remember to ensure that you hang them securely and safely.

Switch Off the Power First

The first and most important step for hanging light fixtures is to make sure that you turn off the power at your main circuit box. It is also recommended to use tape to cover the switch to keep others from turning it on while you are busy installing the ceiling luminaires.

Ceiling luminaires
When installing ceiling luminaires switch off the power first

Check the Junction Box

Elegance is the best word to describe chandeliers, making the room feel more deluxe. However, these chandeliers are a bit heavy. Thus, you have to ensure that the junction box is actually sturdy and strong enough to offer support for the lighting fixture’s weight. It is especially important when the new fixture is heavier than your old one. 

YouTube video
How To Install Ceiling Light Without Existing Wiring

Find the Sweet Spot 

Similar to what you do when hanging art pieces, it is also important that you determine the right height before you hang your light fixture. The general rule of thumb here is to maintain a clearance of at least 7 feet from the fixture’s bottom to the floor. 

Don’t forget that you, your family, and your house guests will have to walk into the room. Of course, you wouldn’t want any of them to accidentally hit their head on the fixture while walking across the room. 

For ceiling luminaires that will be installed over a kitchen island or kitchen table, the fixture must hang around 28 to 36 inches from the fixture’s bottom to the tabletop. Make sure that it hangs low enough to light up the surface. 

Use a Mountain Bracket

While most ceiling luminaires already come with a mountain bracket, there are times when they might not be compatible with the junction box you have. To save yourself from the hassle of taking a trip to the nearest hardware, don’t forget to check the mountain junction first and look for one that works well with it. 

Assemble the Parts in Advance

Some lights are a bit heavy, and your arm can hurt after holding it up for several minutes during installation. To save time and avoid aching arms, it is recommended that you pre-assemble the ceiling luminaires before climbing the ladder. 

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