The Rising Popularity of Online Psychotherapy

People always love options. The opportunity to make a choice gives you the feeling of being in control. As far as mental health problems are concerned, patients shouldn’t be stuck to just one therapist simply because others don’t accept his insurance or because there are no other licensed counselors in the area. This innate love for option is probably the reason why more people today turn to online psychotherapy as a good alternative.

Individual psychotherapy is a joint process between a therapist and a person in therapy. Common goals of therapy can be to inspire change or improve quality of life. People may seek therapy for help with issues that are hard to face alone. Individual therapy is also called therapy, psychotherapy, psychosocial therapy, talk therapy, and counseling.   

Online psychotherapy is found to have numerous benefits, such as the following:


Despite the fact that the stigma previously associated to mental health problems like PTSD and depression has now been erased, some conditions still make patients hesitate before they seek help. Not a lot of people will want their sexual abuse or drug addiction history to get exposed to the public and the assurance of professional confidentiality from a therapist may seem completely theoretical in such instances.

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When you visit the therapist in a medical building or office, it is obvious that the reason why you are there in the first place is to get mental health care. This means that this is never a good way if you want to hide your issue. Although it might no longer be necessary to hide the fact that you need to consult a therapist, some people don’t feel comfortable in letting other people know about such a thing.

But, with online psychotherapy, there is no need to share any personal information aside from the billing information alone. This makes professional assistance right within reach of those who would have otherwise dealt with their problems on their own.


Therapists who work from an office can probably see 8 to 10 patients a day. On the other hand, a counselor who offers online psychotherapy can communicate with several patients at the same time.

A therapist who works out of an office needs to pay rent, insurance, utilities, and the staff that helps them with scheduling appointments and such. Since text, chat, or email doesn’t necessarily need real-time response, online therapists can take their time reviewing their notes and past conversations before they compose an answer.

No wasted productivity takes place because of canceled appointments or seeing a patient who is not yet prepared to openly discuss his issues. In addition, experts who offer online therapy doesn’t need to rent a commercial space. On the other hand, semi-retired counselors or those who wish to work part-time can still continue to practice. These factors all combine to reduce the costs of online therapy.

Patient Convenience

Not everyone can attend counseling sessions every week in an office environment either because of difficulty traveling or work reasons. People living in rural areas or those with no adequate transportation might not have the means to personally go a therapist’s office. On the other hand, online psychotherapy can be performed through scheduled video conferences at any given time. Patients can attend these conferences no matter where they are as long as they have an internet connection.

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